School of Nursing

January 22, 2020

Nurses are the Most Trusted Profession

For the 18th year in a row, nurses have been rated as the most trusted profession in The United States, according to the 2019 Gallup Poll. With 85% of the people rating nurses’ honesty and integrity as “high” or “very high,” the most recent figures were a record high and placed nurses far ahead of…

January 20, 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2020

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2020 offers us all an opportunity to pause and consider how we might better embrace and express the principles that are at the core of Dr. King’s legacy. As nurses, we see the need for community, compassion, tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We see the mental and physical benefits…

December 17, 2019

Happy Holidays

We’ve had an amazing year and we’re proud of our #HuskyNurse students, faculty, staff, supporters, alumni and friends. Please take a moment to view this video to see just a few of this year’s accomplishments. I wish everyone a pleasant holiday pause, and wonderful start of 2020!  

November 11, 2019

Veterans Day 2019

Too few people will pause today and give military veterans the thanks they deserve. Even fewer will consider the failure of the health care system to provide prompt, compassionate and capable care to the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom. We owe veterans far more than a…

October 25, 2019

2019 Clinical Preceptors of the Year

In everything from the arts to medicine, there are behind-the-scenes supporting personnel without whom success would not be possible. They aren’t often seen, they rarely share in the applause or praise, and their enormous contributions are too often unrecognized. For the School of Nursing, preceptors are that group. One of the most vital elements in…

September 24, 2019

Welcome Students!

What an exciting time of year!  There’s a slight chill in the air, students are back in full force, and the faculty and staff are ready to prepare the next generation of nurses. We interviewed a few graduates from the Class of 2019, to learn about their experience in the UW School of Nursing and…

September 21, 2019

World Alzheimer’s Day

September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day, an opportunity to raise awareness about this disease, its causes, and effects. The National Institutes of Health estimate that more than 5 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s disease. It’s important to realize that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease aren’t the same thing, but they are related. Dementia…

August 5, 2019

We All Must Play a Role

Insights on the latest mass shootings from me and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Butch de Castro. We must all play a role. The tragic mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton shake us yet again, but sadly perhaps, no longer shock us. As with Charleston, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Sandy Hook, and elsewhere,…

June 27, 2019

America’s health care is ailing. Can nurses help fix it?

Check out my op-ed piece in Crosscut.

June 17, 2019

What an amazing 2018-2019 year!

It’s hard to believe that another academic year is coming to an end! This has been an outstanding year and every one of you have contributed to our School’s success in a multitude of ways. I encourage you to take a look at this year end review that we have compiled to celebrate our accomplishments…

June 10, 2019

Graduation: The End of the Beginning

Congratulations to our 2019 School of Nursing graduates. You’ve all walked a long and challenging educational path to get where you are today, whether that’s a BSN, ABSN, Masters, PhD, or DNP degree. You deserve enormous respect for having stayed the course (and passed the courses!). There is an understandable tendency to think of graduation…

May 7, 2019

What Do Nurses Really Do?

It’s National Nurses Week, and I hope you will join me in acknowledging, celebrating, and respecting all those who’ve made nursing their profession. In April, the UW School of Nursing teamed up to launch the Nursing Now USA initiative, which is focused on elevating the role that nurses play across the entire spectrum of the…

April 9, 2019

Nursing Now Launches

Today we launched the Nursing Now USA initiative in Washington D.C! This has been an exciting collaboration between the UW School of Nursing, the American Nurses Association, the US Public Health Service Chief Nurse, and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Nursing. I am thrilled that our school is playing a leadership…

March 17, 2019


Azita Emami Fifty lives and a significant loss of hope were only part of the toll last week as another white supremacist expressed his opinion through the barrel of a gun, taking innocent lives at a place of worship. The last few years have unfortunately revealed that racism and white supremacy exists across the world….

March 11, 2019

We are #1 public School of Nursing!

Azita Emami It’s that time of year when the US News and World Rankings are released. While I am always very confident in our fine School, I anxiously await the results every year. This year, once again, we have received the top ranking among public schools that grant a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. We…

February 15, 2019

Celebrating Black History Month,2019

Azita Emami Black History Month reminds us that we as a profession have a strong commitment to serving all, without regard for race, religion, or any other defining characteristic. It also reminds us that we have too often overlooked the accomplishments, contributions, and efforts of people of color. Thanks to our students and the support…

January 18, 2019

MLK Holiday, 2019

  Martin Luther King had a dream. Fifty year later, it remains just that—a dream. More than 250,000 people gathered for the March on Washington and heard Dr. King say: So we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the…