Three DNP #HuskyNurses receive the 2022 UW Health Sciences Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Award

Each year, UW Health Sciences schools pay tribute to Dr. King by honoring a member or group from among its students, staff, faculty, or broader connected community who exemplify Dr. King’s principles through a commitment to addressing community needs, particularly for communities of color or low income, development and implementation of significant programs to improve the human condition, and outstanding efforts to protect and empower all individuals. This year’s award theme is “Overcoming Crisis Through Community.”

The School of Nursing is proud to recognize three students DNP students Tiffany Liu, DNP ’22, Sammie Inevil, DNP ’23, and Elena Chun Stewart, DNP ’23 for their work and participation in the School of Nursing BIPOC Student Workgroup, which provides a safe space for our BIPOC students to share and build supportive community for their academic success and self-care.

Tiffany, Sammie and Elina have been instrumental in developing and implementing monthly BIPOC student meetings throughout the academic year. They take the initiative and generate ideas to shape the meeting agenda. For example, Tiffany initiated the BIPOC Student Meet and Greet during orientation, which then later became a permanent part of School of Nursing Student Academic Services orientation. Sammie and Elina initiated a knitting/crochet Zoom meeting for community-building and self-care among BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) students and an in-person Burke Museum trip to promote awareness of our Indigenous art and sense of community. In addition, these three students have shown so much leadership and empowerment to other BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) students by sharing personal stories and self-care. The time and effort put forth into this important initiative is not the only accomplishments that these three students have undertaken.

The time and effort put forth into this important initiative is not the only accomplishments that these three students have undertaken.

Tiffany is the founder of the Future Nurses Club to foster a group to support UW pre-nursing students and mentor them as they enter the world of nursing. She also works with Black Transwomen, creating a preliminary healthcare provider education program to promote Gender Affirmation for Transwomen, and providing free community dance classes that cultivate safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Sammie is the founder of safe x BRAVE, a nursing student coalition, to empower nursing students with diverse backgrounds and identities to become confident leaders and advocates. Elina is a partner with Sammie in this endeavor and also serves as a board member and as website manager.

Read more about other recipients of the 2022 UW Health Sciences Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Award