BSN students prepare meals for homeless teens

Once a month, undergraduate nursing (BSN) students prepare meals for Teen Feed  a program providing meals and support for 80 homeless teens around the University District. Teen Feed was started by UW nurses who saw the need in the community and continues to be led by the amazing leads at Teen Feed. 

Students like Charlotte Barker and In Jung Kim prepare and package to go meals with an entrée, side and dessert for teens. They prepare a variety of meals including pizza, pasta and chili.

“Teen Feed is a great opportunity to serve the community and help teens get a warm meal. I think nursing students gain something very positive,” said In Jung. “You also learn how important communication is in the kitchen, especially with hot ovens and pans going around.”

“BSN students should participate in Teen Feed at least once to get an idea of what resources our community offers to some of its most vulnerable members. I believe we all have an obligation to care for those at risk in our community, and Teen Feed is a great and fun way to do that,” said Charlotte.

While our students do not get to directly interact with teens, they do get feedback from the Teen Feed staff and volunteers. One of the meals they prepared and served was ground turkey mac, which staff told the students was a huge hit with the teens.

“The teens look forward to their hot meal and I think this may be the only hot meal some of these teens get. I’m so grateful teen feed can offer the service and allows the School of Nursing to participate,” said In Jung.

-Kristine Wright


Teen Feed volunteers