In person clinical trainings resume

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, clinical training was placed on hold.

The School of Nursing leadership responded quickly, to prepare and supply students for their clinical training. With willing and able students, the School has trained students in the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and provided them with full PPE necessary to head into the clinical setting.

“These facilities taking our students for clinicals have been supportive and welcoming (especially Swedish) and have embraced our students, and the process has been seamless,” said Joelle Fathi, Senior Lecturer, and Doctor of Nursing Practice Adult Gerontology Acute Care lead.

Thanks to the generous support from the CDC Foundationthe de Beaumont Foundation, UW Alumni Association China Chapter, and Chairwoman Yunxia Wang (President of Earth Spring), who provided funding for us to purchase PPE, our students have the PPE necessary to resume their clinical training safely.

School of Nursing faculty and students receive training in proper donning and doffing of protective personal equipment (PPE)

“It is because we have access to this PPE, we can have our students back in the clinical setting and be well prepared, and we are grateful for that,” said Fathi.

Our 2nd year DNP students are also thankful that they have this opportunity to be in a clinical setting.

Here’s what some of them had to say:

  •  “It feels like a relief and an honor to be in clinical. There’s been a significant amount of work and dedication from the School of Nursing to get us here — you can imagine mountains of extra logistics, roadblocks, and sheer amount of time! I’m so thankful to finally step into this role that we’ve been preparing for all along,” said Rebecca.
  • “Since the start of our program, my classmates and I have looked forward to the opportunity to begin clinical rotation. This is a difficult time in our health care system, but I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my education alongside supportive and compassionate clinicians and facilities and am thankful for all the safety measures the School of Nursing has put in place to protect students in clinicals,” said Lisa.
  • “I am quite relieved that my clinicals have restarted. Despite the best efforts of virtual learning, our hands-on clinical experience is an irreplaceable learning modality. I am very grateful for the opportunity to continue my education on-site. Though COVID-19 brings uncertainty and risks, my faculty have gone above and beyond my expectations to ensure that my safety is protected. I cannot thank them enough for all their hard work. I encourage the leaders of teaching facilities who have the capacity to accept UW DNP students to consider doing so as soon as possible,” said Jennifer.