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Science Without Borders

Allison Webel, PhD Associate Dean for Research and Innovation

The first time I attended a professional nursing conference was in November 2001. The National Student Nurses Mid-Year Conference was held in Reno, Nevada (my first and only time in a Nevada casino). As a junior nursing student from Youngstown Ohio, traveling across-country for “work” was novel and exciting. It was just shy of two months since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite the spectre of that tragedy, I distinctly remember the strength, sense of purpose, community, and optimism held by the hundreds of nursing students from across the United States who attended that conference.  In the decades since I have attended hundreds of professional and scientific meetings globally. Whether held locally or in exotic, far away places – the undeniable value of scientific exchange, creative energy, serendipity, collegiality, and friendship generated in these meetings is constant.

ONR&I Spring 2025 Travel Award Winners
Office of Nursing Research & Innovation Spring 2025 Travel Awardees

As a formal process by which to know truth – science began centuries ago, and convening scientists from around the globe to share and debate their findings is almost as old. Observation, experimentation, reason, and dissemination are creative, disciplined, and rigorous processes. The value of scientific gatherings lies in exchanging ideas with colleagues, which not only refines and enhances existing concepts but also stimulates new research ideas, questions methodologies, and generates support, enthusiasm and creative energy for ongoing scientific inquiries.

Twice a year, the Office for Nursing Research & Innovation is honored to distribute philanthropically supported travel gifts that support research-related travel for our faculty. For our spring 2025 awardees, the range of conferences is impressive, covering meetings traditionally attended by our faculty, including the Western Institute of Nursing and the AACN Doctoral Conference; however, UW School of Nursing faculty are also presenting their science to specialty communities, including simulation professionals, exercise and aging audiences (in both Brazil and France), and transplantation. The intention of these awards is primarily for the attendee’s professional development. They provide an opportunity to share their science, gain visibility as a leader in their field, broaden their professional network, and form new research collaborations – all experiences that are required for their academic promotion. A secondary intention is for the attendees to share the knowledge gained at these meetings with our more prominent UW School of Nursing community. As they return from these meetings, each attendee will share lessons learned with us via presentation on the Weekly Research Roundup column. By sharing the knowledge gained at conferences, these faculty will empower our UW School of Nursing community to learn, innovate, and grow together, fostering a culture of high-impact research and scholarship that will underpin our collective success.