Visit the ITHS website to learn more about Leaf.

ONR&I cannot provide access to the UW Medicine EHR systems [Epic, ORCA, Mindscape]. If you need access to these systems, contact for further guidance.

All Investigators requiring Leaf access must complete the below steps:

  1. Fill out the REDCap Survey. All tenured faculty may request access. All other faculty or students must have permission from their supervisor.
  2. Respond to ONR&I’s email with all required information. This will be used to obtain an AMC account.
  3. Complete the UW Medicine Data Access Policy training via the online learning management system. Search for “data access” in the search box in the upper left. The Data Access Policy Training should be the only module in this category.
  4. With your AMC account, navigate to the UW Medicine Analytics site, and click “Request Access” on the right-hand side.
    • On the access form, select “Leaf Power User” in the options under “Access Needed”, and submit your access request. If prompted for a username and password, enter: AMC\your username; your password
    • Under “Manager” and “Supervisor”, select Erlene Guieb. ONR&I will confirm your request.
  5. Enter IRB information if de-identified data is required.

Email ONR&Iwith any questions.