6 to 8 weeks prior to resubmission of the grant:
  • Contact the External Reviewer of your choice. Determine that this person is willing and available to complete the review within a timely fashion and for the total amount of funding available for review. You will need to cover any amount in excess of the maximum amounts described above
  • Obtain a written statement from the reviewer agreeing to the above
6 weeks prior to resubmission of the grant, submit to ONR&I:
  • The External Grant Review Funding Application for which you will need the following:
    • Title, Score, and percentile obtained as stated in the summary statement
    • Summary statement/pink sheet from the previous submission of the grant
    • Contact information for your desired reviewer
  • Use the link on the ONR&I Intranet to access the funding request portal
Funding Approval
  • The Associate Dean for Research and Innovation will review funding requests
  • Applicants will be notified of decision within 5 business days
  • Once notified of funding, you can begin the grant review process.
Following the Review:
  • When the grant review is complete, send the following completed documents toSoNpay@uw.edu:
    • Faculty Compliance Questions (completed by SON PI)
    • Payee Information (completed by the reviewer)
    • Invoice (completed by the reviewer)
  • Once these items have been received, a check will be sent to the reviewer
Following Grant Resubmission

ONR&I will follow up with you for summary information about your resubmitted grant. This brief survey must be complete in order to be eligible for future funding managed by ONR&I, including travel and RIFP funding.