Wendy E Barrington
Associate Professor
Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing
The focus of my research is to evaluate to what degree social position, structures, and systems perpetuate cancer health disparities via stress, obesity, and related behaviors. My research falls within two main schema: promoting healthy communities and racial disparities in clinical outcomes. I am using advanced methods including multilevel modeling and causal mediation analyses to explicate these relationships as well as community-engaged research to promote the health of vulnerable communities. In linking my research with teaching, I am passionate about naming and describing mechanisms of social inequity and discussing with students how these mechanisms manifest in the healthcare system and contribute to health disparities. I am also active within the School of Nursing and the broader UW Health Sciences to facilitate an institutional culture that fosters equity, diversity, and inclusion among students, staff, and faculty.
- B H 499: Undergraduate Research
- EPI 591: Current Literature in Epidemiology
- HSERV 490: Advanced Topics
- HSERV 590: Selected Topics in Health Services
- HSERV 600: Independent Study or Research
- HSERV 800: Doctoral Dissertation
- NMETH 499: Undergraduate Research
- NMETH 594: Innovations in Health Systems Delivery: Implementation and Measurement
- NSG 572: Collaborating for Health Equity
- Implementation and Impact of Cancer Screening Navigation by Community Health Workers in Two National Screening Programs, National Cancer Institute
- Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), Washington State Department of Health
- Assisting in Smoking cessation and lung cancer Screening in Indigenous people in SeaTle (ASSIST), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center