Monica Oxford
Research Professor
Vice Chair for Research , Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing
Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing
Centers for Research Excellence
- Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development
Kathryn Barnard Endowed Professor for Infant Mental Health
Executive Director, Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development
Director, Parent-Child Relationship Programs
Monica Oxford, Ph.D., is a Research Professor in the Department of Family and Child Nursing and serves as the Executive Director of the Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development and the Director of Parent-Child Relationship Programs. Dr. Oxford’s research centers on the quality of parent-child relationships from birth to age five and how these dyadic interactions impact child developmental outcomes, particularly for vulnerable families in challenging environments.
Her research explores how contextual factors, parenting practices, and child characteristics influence developmental outcomes and how intervention services can enhance parent and child well-being. As Director of the Barnard Center, Dr. Oxford also trains providers—including home visitors, nurses, social workers, and childcare professionals—on infant and early childhood mental health.
Dr. Oxford is the principal investigator of six NIH R01 grants. Five of these grants focus on evaluating the impact of the relationship-based intervention program, Promoting First Relationships®, within diverse populations: parents involved with child protective services, under-resourced families in a primary care setting, Indigenous North American families in rural settings, and parents recently reunified with their children after foster care placements. The fifth grant investigates the interaction between family, school, child, and contextual risks such as poverty and their effects on early child developmental outcomes. Additionally, Dr. Oxford is a co-principal investigator on three NIH-funded grants that test the effectiveness of relationship-based home-visiting interventions.
- Research Interests: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health; Promotion and Intervention; Home Visiting
- Health Equity
- Innovative Interventions
- HSERV 600: Independent Study or Research
- NURS 599: Selected Readings in Nursing Science
- SOC WL 582: Research Practicum
- Intervention to improve outcomes for foster children reunited with their birth families, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Workforce Development in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Perigee Fund
- Northwest Center for Family Support: Building Statewide Capacity to Implement EBIs in Families with OUD, Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts
- Advanced Clinical Training Program - Rural Oregon, The Ford Foundation
- Promoting First Relationships Training, Model Fidelity and Consultation for Child Welfare Providers, Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families
- The impact of stress and caregiver sensitivity on infant cellular aging in a population of under-resourced families: A randomized controlled trial, National Institute of Nursing Research
- Advanced Clinical Training (ACT) Program at the Barnard Center for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Cambia Health Foundation
- Delivering Evidence-Based Parenting Services to Families in Child Welfare Using Telehealth, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Veterans & Humans Services Levy Strengthening Families at Risk 4.3 Training Investment Area Promoting First Relationships Project, Public Health - Seattle & King County
- Child Parent Psychotherapy in Washington State, Perigee Fund