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Jenny Hsin-Chun Tsai

Associate Professor

Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing

  • Martelino, Janelle , Soh, Eunice , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Engaging Interdisciplinary Professionals for Worker Health Equity." Workplace health & safety 72 (2024): 79.
  • Kelley, Jessica , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Protecting Outdoor Workers From Climate Change Impacts Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration." Workplace health & safety 72 (2024): 119.
  • Reis, Bianca, Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Prevalence of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Psychiatric Consultation Service Utilization on Inpatient Medical Units." Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 28 (2022): 326-331.
  • Rosemberg, Marie-Anne , Boutain, Doris , Hsin-Chun Tsai, Jenny. "Occupational health research beyond the work setting: inclusive inquiry with ethnic minority and immigrant workers." Ethnicity & health 26 (2021): 1242-1260.
  • Rosemberg, Marie-Anne , Adams, Mackenzie, Polick, Carri, Li, Wei , Dang, Jenny, Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "COVID-19 and mental health of food retail, food service, and hospitality workers." Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 18 (2021): 169-179.
  • Rosemberg, Marie-Anne , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Population Health Is Immigrant Health Is Worker Health." American journal of public health 108 (2018): e22.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Thompson, Elaine Adam. "Effects of Social Determinants on Chinese Immigrant Food Service Workers' Work Performance and Injuries: Mental Health as a Mediator." Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 57 (2015): 806-13.
  • Johnson, Susan , Boutain, Doris , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Beaton, Randal, de Castro, Arnold . "An Exploration of Managers' Discourses of Workplace Bullying." Nursing forum 50 (2015): 265-73.
  • Rosemberg, Marie-Anne , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Connecting Gender, Race, Class, and Immigration Status to Disease Management at the Workplace." Journal of health disparities research and practice 7 (2014): 13-31.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Thompson, Elaine Adam. "Impact of social discrimination, job concerns, and social support on Filipino immigrant worker mental health and substance use." American journal of industrial medicine 56 (2013): 1082-94.
  • Crollard, Allison, de Castro, A , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Occupational trajectories and immigrant worker health." Workplace health & safety 60 (2012): 497-502; quiz 503.
  • de Castro, A , Garcia, Gabriel, Gee, Gilbert , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Rue, Tessa, Takeuchi, David . "Smoking and the Asian American workforce in the National Latino and Asian American Study." American journal of industrial medicine 53 (2010): 171-8.
  • Ward, Julie , de Castro, A , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Linker, Darren, Hildahl, Lyle, Miller, Mary . "An injury prevention strategy for teen restaurant workers. Washington State's ProSafety project." AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses 58 (2010): 57-65; quiz 65-7.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Chinese immigrant restaurant workers' injury and illness experiences." Archives of environmental & occupational health 64 (2009): 107-14.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Salazar, Mary . "A theoretical model for understanding mental health, substance use, and work performance among Asian immigrants." AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses 57 (2009): 425-33.
  • Tu R, Shin-Pin, Li, Lin, Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Yip, Mei-P, Terasaki, Genji, Teh, Chong, Yasui, Yutaka, Hislop, T Gregor, Taylor, Vicky. "A cross-border comparison of hepatitis B testing among chinese residing in Canada and the United States." Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 10 (2009): 483-90.
  • Chiang, Kuan-Chu, Seman, Leslie, Belza, Basia, Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. ""It is our exercise family": experiences of ethnic older adults in a group-based exercise program." Preventing chronic disease 5 (2008): A05.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu, Salazar, Mary . "Occupational hazards and risks faced by Chinese immigrant restaurant workers." Family & community health 30 (2007): S71-9.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Xenophobia, ethnic community, and immigrant youths' friendship network formation." Adolescence 41 (2006): 285-98.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Use of computer technology to enhance immigrant families' adaptation." Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing 38 (2006): 87-93.
  • Kozuki, Yoriko, Kennedy, Michael , Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Relational experiences of partnered Japanese immigrant women with affect disorders." Journal of advanced nursing 53 (2006): 513-23.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Promoting immigrants' health--relevance to occupational health nursing practice." AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses 52 (2004): 94-6.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Contextualizing immigrants' lived experience: story of Taiwanese immigrants in the United States." Journal of cultural diversity 10 (2003): 76-83.
  • Tsai, Jenny Hsin-Chu. "Psychometric evaluation of the Demands of Immigration Scale with Taiwanese-Chinese immigrants: a pilot study." Journal of advanced nursing 39 (2002): 274-80.
  • NSG 511: Prevention Issues in Community Health
  • NSG 556: Program Planning and Health Systems and Multicultural Communities
  • NSG 558: Occupational Health Nursing: Advanced Practice and Leadership in Program Development
  • NSG 559: Prevention Effectiveness in Community Health
  • NSG 571: Theory and Science of Population Health Nursing
  • NSG 574: Program Development and Evaluation to Improve Population Health
  • NSG 575: Leadership for Population Health
  • NURS 610: Teaching Practicum
  • Hawaiian, Asian American and Pacific Islander (HAAPI) Coordinating Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
  • Education and Research Center non-competing renewal 22-23, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health